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Getting fire & rescue services trained in our
Pro-Cloud BlueLight asset management software solution
is of vital importance to us, we want the system to be
used to its optimum with users getting the most out of
it every single time.

Book a Demo

We offer a number of traditional face-to-face training sessions as part of every contract go-live. These consist of group sessions (normally 15 people per session) in a classroom format that are arranged by the contracts authorised officer and one of Pro-Cloud BlueLight’s training co-ordinators.

A number of managerial training sessions are also offered to make sure fire & rescue services are benefiting from the systems fundamentals. Throughout these sessions managers and other identified authorised officers will learn everything needed to equip themselves including; viewing historical asset and workforce scheduling data, how to view and drill down within the task and testing board, assign tasks and set up new users.

Training in Pro-Cloud BlueLight’s management information reporting module is also covered in these sessions.

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Management Information Reporting

Getting trained in the management information reporting module will really help managerial staff understand how their service operates, enabling them to pull data apart and drill down by station, giving them the statistics required to make key operational decisions.

Training Help Guides

We also have a number of help guides that are available once Pro-Cloud BlueLight is implemented. All personnel can get access to these via the system itself or a member of the CSS support team can forward them to individuals on request.

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